The route to financial freedom starts here and this is how it works.

How it works

All of our interactions begin with an initial introductory discussion. There is no charge for this and no obligation to proceed. It enables us to understand what you are looking to achieve. The client gets the opportunity to query any aspect of our offering and question us on our credentials and capabilities.

Step 1 – Discovery and Analysis

This is where we gather all the information needed to provide professional financial advice. We will look at all details of your current financial position and incorporate all your key financial objectives. Our objective is to build a comprehensive bespoke and personalised whole of life financial model for each client. This will incorporate whole of life cash flows built under realistic assumptions.  We then stress test your financial plan against several adverse scenarios to assess how robust your plan is. Once all this information has been collated and analysed we provide a detailed written report for you to review and consider. This will include specific recommendations as to what we would recommend if we were the client. We then schedule a call or meeting to walk you through your personalised financial plan and take any queries that you have in relation to your plan.

Step 2 – Implementation

Normally there are key recommendations or action items which arise as a result of our discovery and analysis. Once all parties have agreed the action plan and next steps this leads to Step 2 where we implement the recommendations outlined in your personal financial plan. All terms, costs and charges will be laid out clearly in writing to ensure clarity for our clients. For the implementation phase we can offer a fee based service or discounted commission approach, whichever the client prefers.

Step 3 – Ongoing investment advice and support

This is the part of the advice process which can be neglected yet it is crucial. This ongoing investment advice and support service is optional, but it is chosen by the vast majority of our clients. Investment markets are changing constantly and your investment strategy needs to be reviewed and updated regularly. Clients who select this service receive quarterly valuations on their investments and we are continuously monitoring our clients’ investment performance so we can protect and grow their wealth. This way our investment expertise continues to be working for you. We don’t sell a product to a client and walk away.

How much will this cost?

No two cases are exactly alike and our fee depends on the scope of the work involved. Please contact us and we will be able to promptly provide you with a fixed price quote for your consideration.